Online Dispute Resolution, Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms and Artificial Intelligence for decongesting the administration of justice.




Online Dispute Resolution. Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms. Artificial Intelligence. Relational Law. Administration of Justice.


Purpose ”“ This article seeks to analyze Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) in relation to Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms, Artificial Intelligence and its effectiveness at decongesting the administration of justice.

Methodology ”“ The research was qualitative analytical, is part of the so-called exploratory research, those that tend to determine trends, identify relationships between variables and serve for further research. For this purpose, was made a documentary analysis of articles published in legal journals and consulted through scientific databases, mostly virtual searches and findings, which allowed us to glimpse the legal institutions included in the Online Dispute Resolution and Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms.

Findings ”“ ODR has allowed the application of Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms (ADR), such as mediation, conciliation, negotiation and amiable composition using virtual media that can even incorporate Artificial Intelligence (AI), to wit, the possibility that machines imitate human thinking to make decisions. It must respect the principles of transparency, equity, accountability and respect for offline general procedural guarantees, of which, celerity, economy, equality of arms and the pre-existence of procedural forms easily emerge in the online process, however, guarantees such as effective protection of rights, impartiality, independence, immediacy and publicity could be blurred.


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Author Biographies

Mónica María Bustamante Rúa, Universidad de Medellín

Lawyer and Master of Procedural Law at Universidad de Medellín. PhD of Law and Master of Procedural Law at Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina). Member of Procedural Law Research Group at Universidad de Medellín since 2005. Director of PhD and Master of Contemporary Procedural Law at Universidad de Medellín.

Santiago Ángel Muñoz, Universidad de Medellín

Student of tenth semester at Universidad de Medellín. Member of Seminary of Procedural Law of the same University  since 2017. Student assitant of procedural law and member of the International Arbitration Team of Universidad de Medellín.

Julián Andrés Giraldo Aristizábal

Student of tenth semester at Universidad de Medellín. Member of Seminary of Procedural Law of the same University since 2017. Student assitant of public law at Universidad de Medellín.

Jorge Iván Marín Tapiero, Universidad de Medellín

Student of tenth semester at Universidad de Medellín. Member of Seminary of Procedural Law of the same University since 2018. Student assitant of private law at Universidad de Medellín and political scientist of Universidad Nacional de Colombia at Medellín since 2016.


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How to Cite

BUSTAMANTE RÚA, Mónica María; ÁNGEL MUÑOZ, Santiago; GIRALDO ARISTIZÁBAL, Julián Andrés; MARÍN TAPIERO, Jorge Iván. Online Dispute Resolution, Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms and Artificial Intelligence for decongesting the administration of justice. Law, State and Telecommunications Review, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 1, p. 77–112, 2020. DOI: 10.26512/lstr.v12i1.25808. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 feb. 2025.