O Códice de Dresden e o culto a Quetzalcóatl


  • Alexandre Guida Navarro UNICAMP


This article points out the relations between the war and the Quetzalcóatl´s representations from the Dresden Codex iconography. Besides the sacerdotal prognosis based on the stars´ movement, this important Maya document manufactured during the late pos-classic (1250-1525 d.C.) also presents relevant information about the political-religous life of that society - for example, contexts associated to war and sacrifice. The iconography analysis gives new reading possibilities for the understanding of Quetzalcóatl´s representations, given that the written sources do not cover all situations registered in this pre-hispanic document.


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Author Biography

Alexandre Guida Navarro, UNICAMP

Professor da Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA e colaborador do Núcleo de Estudos Estratégicos (NEE/UNICAMP)



How to Cite

Guida Navarro, A. (2009). O Códice de Dresden e o culto a Quetzalcóatl. T.E.X.T.O.S DE H.I.S.T.Ó.R.I.A. Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Em História Da UnB., 16(1), 173–182. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/textos/article/view/28014