José Vaz Salgado: a herança de um militar-mercador no Recife de meados do século XVIII


  • Teresa Cristina de Novaes Marques Universidade de Brasília


The essay examines Capitan José Vaz Salgado´s patrimony. Salgado was born in Portugal and lived in captaincy of Pernambuco, where he got married, grew rich and died in 1758. This is a preliminary study of inventories found in Pernambuco plus other sources aiming to clarify Salado’s personal trajectory together with his strategies of symbolic accumulation for himself and for his family. The main hypothesis developed is that the partition of goods within his sons and daughter followed the porpoise of distributing items to each heir according to his/her social condition and to his/her symbolic position inside de family.


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Author Biography

Teresa Cristina de Novaes Marques, Universidade de Brasília

Professora do Departamento de História da Universidade de Brasília.



How to Cite

de Novaes Marques, T. C. (2009). José Vaz Salgado: a herança de um militar-mercador no Recife de meados do século XVIII. T.E.X.T.O.S DE H.I.S.T.Ó.R.I.A. Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Em História Da UnB., 15(1/2), 243–257. Retrieved from