The Governance Model in the Area of People Management: A Case Study in the Federal District Government
Public Governance, Federal District Government, Public AdministrationAbstract
This study aims to analyze the Governance model in the public sector with a focus on the Public Administration of the Federal District. This is a case study at the State Under Department of Human Resource, of the State Department of Economy, with the aim of verifying if the Governance model is already a reality in that administrative unit or if there is still a way to go. An attempt was made to highlight good public governance practices aimed at improving public administration and, furthermore, to show what measures the Federal District Government is already carrying out in order to improve this Governance. The research was carried out in two stages, with the application of a questionnaire and interviews, based on the Basic Governance Reference published by the Federal Court of Accounts, which deals with the proposed theme. As a result, it was found that it was not possible to identify all the characteristics of the Governance model present in the Basic Governance Reference in the current administration of the State Under Department of Human Resource of the Federal District Government. The results shows that there is still a path to go in order to achieve this management model.
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