The Socio-Environmental Impacts Resulting from the Implementation and Operation of Eolic Parks in state of Paraíba




Renewable Energy; Eolic´s Parks; Socio-Environmental Impacts; Paraiba


The article analyzes the social and environmental impacts associated with the production of electric energy from renewable sources, more specifically, the production of wind energy in the State of Paraiba. The process of formulating the public policies to encourage wind production in Brazil to understand the implementation of energy production from the wind power source in the country is fundamental for this analysis. It should be noted that the socio-environmental impacts caused by the installation of wind farms are quite specific and dependent on energy planning, public policies related to the theme, and the location selected for the installation of these parks, which sometimes characterizes the fragility and difficulty in mitigating negative impacts. The methodology consists of documentary analysis of the national and international energy policy legislation to encourage wind production, data and information to the official database and documents of the energy sector, as well as ethnographic research, through interviews with communities where are the wind farms in the state of Paraiba. The hypothesis that there is a de-structuring of the socioeconomic-environmental bases in the communities where these parks are located in the state of Paraiba, and environmental and social issues, are hidden by the discourse of the sustainability of the renewable energy projects.


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Author Biographies

Alexandre César Cunha Leite, Paraíba State University

Professor Dr. Alexandre César Cunha Leite.  Associate Professor, Graduate Program of International Relations, PPGRI/UEPB (Paraíba State University), Brazil. Graduate Program of Public Management and International Cooperation, PGPCI/UFPB (Paraíba Federal University), Brazil. Graduate Program of International Relations, PPGRI/PUCMINAS (PUCMINAS), Brazil.   Editor: Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas e Internacionais (Brazilian Journal of International Public Policies) - Coordinator: Group of Studies and Research in Asia-Pacific (GEPAP/UEPB).

Lívia Picchi, Paraíba State University

Graduate Program of International Relations, PPGRI/UEPB Paraíba State University/Brazil. Social Scientist from São Paulo Federal University.


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How to Cite

LEITE, Alexandre César Cunha; PICCHI, Lívia. The Socio-Environmental Impacts Resulting from the Implementation and Operation of Eolic Parks in state of Paraíba. RP3 - Revista de Pesquisa em Políticas Públicas, [S. l.], n. 1, 2019. DOI: 10.18829/1805. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.


