Python Language and Jupyter Notebook
A didactic proposal to determine the appropriate selling price using concepts from Linear Algebra, Differential Calculus, and Numerical Methods
Python, Numerical Methods, Linear Algebra, Differential Calculus, Teaching.Abstract
This work aims to present a didactic proposal foreseen in the research and teaching project titled "Laboratory
of Applied and Computational Mathematics" where the goal is to determine the appropriate selling price of a product
to maximize the profit of a fictional company using the Python language, the GitHub platform, and the computational
tool Jupyter Notebook. To achieve the proposed objectives, functions that best describe the forecast of demand and
profit are obtained through polynomial interpolation. The Newton, Secant, and Bisection methods are applied to solve
the problem. The results, along with a comparative study and the generated notebooks, are presented on the GitHub
platform. This proposal aims to, through a didactic activity, develop the ability of students to organize ideas and
promote the understanding of concepts in Differential Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Numerical Methods.
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