Identification of sectors susceptible to oil contamination in the Patos Lagoon


  • Bruno Vasconcelos
  • Thaísa Trombetta
  • Osmar Moller Jr.
  • Wiliam Marques FURG/Professor


Oil spill; Patos Lagoon; Littoral Sensitivity Index; Numerical modeling; TELEMAC-3D


The present study consists in simulate oil spill events in port region of Rio Grande city, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, using numerical modeling. In order to accomplish that was carried out a hydrodynamic simulation during 365 days, being this equivalent to daily means calculated between 2003 and 2015. The oil spill simulations were used to identify the mainly forcing which control the oil displacement, as the final destination. The results showed that the oil displacement tendency occurs due to the combination of wind effects and freshwater discharge of Patos Lagoon. During Summer and Spring periods, the Northeast winds occurred with higher frequency, being this the mainly forcing for the oil displacement. In this period, the discharge presented values below 2500 m³/s, making the action of currents less significant. In the coldest months, the high discharge was combined with the effects of currents controlling the oil displacement, became the wind effects less significant. Regarding the susceptibility of the oil arrival in analyzed sectors, it is possible to emphasize that Super Porto (super port) was the most affected in all seasons, followed by Salt Marshes, which was detached as the most worrying, since it presented high oil concentrations and it has the highest Littoral Sensitivity Index. Finally, information about possible leaks in the Patos Lagoon estuary, contribute to contingency plans, and enable a quick response to contamination in this environment.


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How to Cite

Bruno Vasconcelos, Trombetta, T. ., Moller Jr., O., & Marques, W. (2021). Identification of sectors susceptible to oil contamination in the Patos Lagoon. Revista Interdisciplinar De Pesquisa Em Engenharia, 7(01), 18–28. Retrieved from