The Ocean as an Energy Source: a literature review


  • Lenon Audibert Cisco Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Augusto Hack da Silva Koch Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Mateus Condotta Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Rodrigo Hofstatter Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Lucas Martins Harras Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Phelype Haron Oleinik Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - PPGEO
  • Maycon da Silveira Paiva Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  • Liércio André Isoldi Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - PPGEO
  • Bianca Machado Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Energias Oceânicas, Energia das Marés, Energia das Ondas, Energia Térmica, Energia das Correntes Oceânicas


The increase in global demand for electricity, aligned to concerns regarding the emission of greenhouse gases, has caused a growth in the search for renewable energy sources. Renewable energies are those obtained through natural sources and that are available cyclically in nature, thus, the present study addresses the ocean as a source for renewable energy. Therefore, a bibliographic survey was carried out regarding the various forms of energy contained in the ocean, the focus being on: wave energy, formed by the friction of the wind with the ocean surface; tidal energy, caused by the gravitational interaction between the Earth, the Sun and the Moon; current energy, formed by the high and low tides; and thermal energy, originated by the temperature gradient between the surface and deeper regions of the ocean. Throughout the text the natural phenomena that originate such energies are presented, in addition, devices that convert ocean energies and their operating principles are presented, as well as classifications regarding these devices when available. Thus, demonstrating the diversity and energy capacity present in the ocean.


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How to Cite

Audibert Cisco, L. ., Hack da Silva Koch, A., Condotta, M. ., Hofstatter, R. ., Martins Harras, L. ., Haron Oleinik, P. ., … Machado, B. (2020). The Ocean as an Energy Source: a literature review. Revista Interdisciplinar De Pesquisa Em Engenharia, 6(2), 23–33. Retrieved from