
  • Paula Meyer Soares
  • Fabio Konishi Damasio
  • Marcelo Santana Silva IFBA
  • Angela Machado Rocha UFBA
  • Fabio Matos Fernandes IFBA



Ethanol. Sugarcane industry. Policy. Economy.


Historically the sugarcane industry has always been present in the Brazilian economic growth process since the colonial period. The regulatory framework of greatest impact comes in the mid-1970s with the PROALCOOL, compared to an emerging energy crisis. Since then the sector goes through periods of great expansion with investments, tax incentives and on the other hand by moments of disinterest of the government itself that somehow, provided this advance. In this sense the sugarcane industry has always occupied a prominent position. According to UNICA - Industry Union of sugar cane in 2012 the sector generated an annual revenue of USD 36 billion, 1.15 million formal jobs with 401 plants around the country. It represented 15.7% of the Brazilian energy matrix. Globally, according to REN 21 - Renewables 2015 Global Status Report, in 2014 Brazil holds the second position with a global production of 27 billion liters (28%) falling below of the United States with 54 billion liters (58 %) in a market that has produced 94 billion liters. This article will use the multivariate analysis method considering the production of ethanol in the period, automobile and dependent variables, presenting considerations and points of vulnerability, even with the momentum of the automotive sector.


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How to Cite

Soares, P. M., Konishi, F., Silva, M. S., Rocha, A. M., & Fernandes, F. M. (2016). DO PROALCOOL AO BICOMBUSTIVEL: A SAGA DE UM SETOR. Revista Interdisciplinar De Pesquisa Em Engenharia, 2(1).


