Science and Technology as good news


  • Antonio Teixeira de Barros


Science & Technology, Scientific and Tecnological Information, Folha de São Paulo journal


Analyses the section called Boa Notícia (good news) from Folha do Sea Paulo journal which main theme is Science and Technology (48,9%), based on a six month's sample, The subjects under this particular theme were included in the following categories: (1)Research and Technology in Health; (2) Ecology; (3) Public Policies in Health; (4) Computer Science and Information Technology; and (5) Technology in Agriculture. The newspaper displays as good news facts happened abroad and referring to the city of São Paulo, Brazil. It was noted that Folha de São Paulo always preferred the use of secondary sources for Scientific and Technological Information (STI), such as international scientific periodicals. Concerning ecology, the newspaper reflects governmental position rather than its critics' opinions, sector. The tabloid like tone of its news (attention to exotic information and scientific curiosities) is another characteristic from the Folhas' coverage of S&T. The article concludes with that this newspaper's coverage of S&C facts is superficial, paying too much attention to isolated or curious items, loosing the perspective in which they should be considered.


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How to Cite

Barros, A. T. de. (1997). Science and Technology as good news. Revista De Biblioteconomia De Brasília, 21(1), 79–101. Retrieved from