Automação da biblioteca no Senado Federal


  • Maria Eliza Nogueira Loddo
  • Maria Lúcia Vilar de Lemos
  • Masami Ishie


Automação de bibliotecas. Senado Federal (SF). Brasil. Recuperação da informação. Cabeçalhos de assuntos. Descritores.


On 1972 the PRODASEN introduced the automation in the library of the library of the Federal Senate It has been used the IBM 370, model 158 and as product-program the CICS/STAIRS, from IBM. The documents already there, got in as they were in the library cathalogue. Now there are two files: one for the periodic papers (PERI) and another one for the books (BIBR). The existence of more than 10.00 documents in the file PERI and more than 16.000 in the BIRB allow an analysis of the system in the direct recuperation (on-line) of the information through either printer-video terminal or cathalogue.


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Author Biographies

Maria Eliza Nogueira Loddo

Subsecretaria de Biblioteca

Maria Lúcia Vilar de Lemos

Subsecretaria de Biblioteca

Masami Ishie

Subsecretaria de Biblioteca



How to Cite

Loddo, M. E. N., Lemos , M. L. V. de, & Ishie, M. (1977). Automação da biblioteca no Senado Federal. Revista De Biblioteconomia De Brasília, 5(1), 219–250. Retrieved from



Sessão de Estudos III