monstrosities and humanities between death and desire
Monstruosity. Humanity. Violence. Pornography. Sovereignty.Abstract
In this article, I try to understand the relationship between the concept of humanity, coined by modern and colonial discourses, and the idea of monstrosity, understood here as its antagonism. The figures of the monster and the human, like the beast and the sovereign or the Other and the Subject, exist in scenarios of violence distribution, in which the death of the monster/beast/Other reiterates the dominance of the human/sovereign/Subject. However, it is not only the death of the monster that makes up this dynamic, but also, and perhaps above all, the desire of the human towards the monster. Using authors who have dialogued on the themes of the body, violence and sexuality, I try to investigate the relationship between death and desire, violence and jouissance, with regard to the symbolic and organic contrast between those who call themselves human and those who call themselves monsters. Is there jouissance in violence?
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