


Logic. Grammatic. Pain. Sensations. Language.


Wittgenstein, in his middle period, tells us that the application of common-physicalist language to the immediate data of the senses results in "philosophical errors". This application affects directly (but not only) the logical-grammatical type pain. In this article, I aim to describe this logical-grammatical type in its fundamental constituents: intensity, location, and characteristic. I also investigate and propose to resolve the difficulties generated by the mentioned application, from common language to immediate data, concerning this type. To put the issue into two questions: how is it possible to verify propositions about pain? How can we express ourselves and be understood in this painful sensation within our common-physicalist language? To that end, I argue against D. Stern's position regarding his reconstruction of the discussion and refine Child's position.


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Author Biography

Daniel Melo, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Graduando em filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), com formação complementar em Psicologia. Membro do grupo PET - Filosofia e editor-chefe da revista ConTextura. Foi o idealizador e organizador do evento Interseções: Filosofia e Sofrimento (2022) e do grupo de estudos sobre Metodologia Filosófica (2023). Concluiu, em 2022, uma iniciação científica onde investigou os conceitos de felicidade e sofrimento em Nietzsche. Seu principais interesses são: Nietzsche, ética, engenharia conceitual e filosofia das emoções.


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How to Cite

Melo, D. (2023). THE GRAMMAR OF PAIN IN WITTGENSTEIN. PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 12(25), 273–302.


