Suspension. Phenomenological reduction. Anxiety.Abstract
The Husserlian task of renewing philosophy, with the construction of phenomenology, finds in his disciple Heidegger an important change of direction. However, it seems clear that the Husserlian project of constituting a phenomenological science contributed to the construction of Heidegger's existential thought. In this article, we will investigate whether there is a possibility of convergence between the two phenomenological projects based on the analysis of two fundamental concepts for both thinkers. We will present, without pretending to exhaust the concepts, on the one hand, the Husserlian phenomenology and the moment of phenomenological reduction. On the other hand, the Heideggerian fundamental ontology and the moment of suspension of the world in anguish. Finally, we will look for similarities and differences between both concepts, focusing on the thesis that the reduction in both authors aims at significance, thought, however, in different ways.
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