a study based on the Doctrine of Being in the Science of logic




Aufhebung. Devir. Doctrine of being. Science of logic. Being-nothing-becoming.


In the Science of logic, specifically in the Doctrine of Being, Hegel exposes the dialectic being-nothing-becoming. Also, in the Doctrine of Being, Hegel separates a part entitled “Observation” to deal briefly with the term Aufhebung and its concept. It is in this context that Hegel reflects most on expression. In the Science of logic, being, nothing and becoming are presented as systematic categories of speculative logic. It is from this triad that logic unfolds progressively in more concrete moments. The concept of Aufhebung, on the other hand, appears as a necessary condition for such an unfolding. It is what makes each category move to another. From this movement, becoming emerges as a reconciling unit of being and nothingness. In view of this, in becoming, Aufhebung finds itself as a movement that suspends or elevates all other logical categories, allowing the transition from one state to another. That said, this article aims to demonstrate the inherent connection between the concepts of Aufhebung and becoming.


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Author Biography

Rosmane Gabriele Albuquerque, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Mestra em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS (2021). Graduada em História pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL (2018). Especialista em Metodologia de Ensino de Filosofia e Sociologia - UNIASSELVI (2021). Especialização em andamento em Metodologia de Ensino de História. Interesse em metafísica, ontologia, filosofia/história moderna e contemporânea.


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How to Cite

Albuquerque, R. G. (2022). AUFHEBUNG AND DEVIR: a study based on the Doctrine of Being in the Science of logic. PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 10(21), 110–130.


