notions for thinking about the female presence in the Odyssey
Areté. Kléos. Women, Nóstos. Oîkos.Abstract
We intend, while reading Homer’s Odyssey, to analyze the role of female figures through the concepts of kléos, nóstos, oîkos, and areté, in order to support a vision in which nymphs, humans and female magical creatures would be the enablers of Odysseus’s triumph in fulfilling his hero journey. Starting from reading the Homeric epic (in the translations by Carlos Alberto Nunes, Christian Werner and Trajano Vieira), as well as scientific articles and philosophical essays on the female presence, the objective is to: 1. define the four referred concepts in the Homeric universe; 2. point out the female figures with the highest incidence/prominence in the narrative; 3. explain the exercise of bringing these figures closer to such concepts, focusing on Penelope, Athena, Circe and Calypso; and, 4. finally, to indicate the need for the presence and action of women in Odysseus’s adventure, not only so that he can return home, but so that his glory is able to materialize.
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