an analysis of the epistemological differences between consequentialist ethics and Kantian ethics
Kant. Consequentialism. Ethics. Cummiskey.Abstract
This article aims to reproduce David Cummiskey’s first argument in Kantian Consequentialism, and then make a critical evaluation of it. This evaluation is made through two objections which resort to Kantian epistemology: the first objection demonstrates that the imperative provided by Cummiskey appeals to the empiric; the second explains the condition present in the presupposition of that imperative. This second objection bifurcates into two arguments: the first is against moral intuitions, and the second is a hypothetical counterexample. In this sense, examples and thought experiments are used throughout the text as complementary arguments. It follows that the attempt of a Kantian consequentialism is in fundamental opposition to its epistemology and, thus, must be rejected.
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