conjugations between Foucault and Nietzsche




Nietzsche. Foucault. Language. Archaeology.


This paper aims to understand the foucaultian reading of language criticism by Nietzsche, in order to locate  Foucault's thought within the modern tradition. In this sense, we present an outline of the project that allows to verify an issue that will be developed in the field in which it arises, precisely, in the scope of archaeological investigation of knowledge. We also have inclined on a Nietzschean work that since its first conjugations between philology and philosophy has been covered by a language problem. With this, we try to understand the position Foucault attributes to Nietzsche's thought inside the book The Order of Things and how he corresponds to a rupture in the modern episteme that underlies a new possibility of hermeneutics.


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How to Cite

Silva, L. F. S. (2020). LANGUAGE IN THE ORDER OF THINGS: conjugations between Foucault and Nietzsche . PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 9(18), 172–191.


