the genesis of the vindications of women’s rights in the French Revolution




Capitalists Relations of Production. Political Emancipation. Women’s Rights.


This paper aims to critically approach the development of capitalist relations of production, as well as the genesis of the vindications of women's rights in the French Revolution. We seek to understand the socioeconomic conditions that made possible the rise of the first typically modern philosophical and political reflections about the exclusion of women from political rights and their inferiorization in society. In this sense, it is possible to emphasize the work of Mary Wollstonecraft and Olympe de Gouges, which, in contesting the theories of natural law, enabled the development of a first political program to attend to the needs of women (peasants, proletarians and petit bourgeois).


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Author Biography

Pâmella Rafaella Barbosa Vaz, Paulista State University Julio Mesquita Filho

Possui graduação em Ciências Sociais pela UNESP - Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências de Marília, modalidade licenciatura (2017) e modalidade bacharelado (2018) com ênfase em Ciência Política, ambas pela mesma instituição. Desenvolve temas ligados ao pensamento marxista, em particular a questão da emancipação da mulher e suas relações com a teoria da revolução.


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How to Cite

Vaz, P. R. B. (2019). THE PROCESS OF CONSOLIDATION OF CAPITALISTS RELATIONS OF PRODUCTION: the genesis of the vindications of women’s rights in the French Revolution. PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 8(15), 123–148.


