


Freedom. Marxism. Materialism. Work. Vital Activity.


This text proposes reflections on the category of "materialistic freedom", suggested by Marx in his writings of youth, proposing it as an important parameter to the whole Marxian project of critique of political economy. It will be argued that the methodological maturation of dialectical materialism will not imply an abandonment of freedom as an important object in Marxian criticism, but rather a change of objective empirical elements from which research begins to develop. The category of materialistic freedom, although not formulated in a systematic way, would be present as a parameter of Marxian criticism to point out the relations between capitalism and the commitment of the "real" freedom of the individual that opposes the "realm of freedom" with which Marx identifies communism. In this sense, the category of materialistic freedom serves to define parameters capable of facilitating the realization of the material conditions that will allow the overcoming of the communist mode of production, as well as to define the very social and political practices that characterize the political community of the "kingdom of freedom.".


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Author Biography

Antonio Mario Dantas Bastos Filho, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Professor, Advogado e Filósofo, com foco na pesquisa de filosofia política, marxismo e questões raciais e de classe no Brasil. Doutorando e Mestre em Filosofia pela UFBA. Ex-Secretário da Comissão de Direitos Humanos da OAB-BA. Professor de Metodologia Científica, Filosofia do Direito, Ciência Política e Direito Constitucional. Diretor Acadêmico do Instituto HORI.


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How to Cite

Filho, A. M. D. B. (2019). AN INVESTIGATION PROPOSAL FOR THE "MATERIALIST FREEDOM" CATEGORY IN MARX. PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 7(14), 20–41.


