


Descartes. Scholasticism. Natural Philosophy. Augustine. Metaphysic.


This paper aims at discussing Descartes’ relationship with Agostinian and Scholastic traditions. It tries to understand at what extent the legacy of these medieval philosophers played an important role in the elaboration of Descartes’ works. At first sight, Descartes seems to be a philosopher who intends to rebuild all philosophy on new foundations. However, if we throw a diligent look on his ideas, we will see that he has a great debt with the speculations of medival thinkers, from whom he received his philosophical formation. The importance of a paper like this lies on the fact that there is a strong charge of uncertainty and distrust about the position that the figure of Descartes occupy or should occupy within the philosophical tradition.


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Author Biography

William de Jesus Teixeira, Universidade de Brasília

Estudante de filosofia na Unviersidade de Brasília - UnB.


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How to Cite

Teixeira, W. de J. (2017). DESCARTES AND THE MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY. PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 6(11), 19–40.


