Philosophy of Physics. Theory of Relativity retreats. Philosophy of Science.Abstract
The following is the translation of Professor Fernflores's entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Downloads
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Einstein, A. &L. Infeld (1938), The Evolution of Physics, New York: Simon and Schuster.Tradução para o português: A Evolução da Física, trad. G. Rebuá, Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 1962.
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Perrin, F. (1932), La Dynamique Relativiste et l’Inertie de l’Energie. (ColeçãoActualities Scientifiques et Industrielles, 41, 19 pgs.), Paris: Hermann.
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Stachel, J. (org.) (2001), O Ano Miraculoso de Einstein, trad. A.C. Tort, Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ.
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Zahar, E. (1989), Einstein’s Revolution: A Study in Heuristic, La Salle: Open Court.
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