Alternative approach to the teaching of electromagnetic waves transmission and reception


  • Rodrigo Teixeira Rossini UFRJ- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Since Hertz, a new world of opportunity has emerged, where communication through electromagnetic waves has caused distances to become smaller and society has changed the way it communicates. Along with this innovation, technologies emerge all the time and acronyms like AM, FM, Wi-Fi and 4G have become commonplace in our lives, being widely used and little discussed in the classroom. The objective of this work is to bring an alternative approach on the transmission of electromagnetic waves, using representations of the modulation technique in a more pleasant and simple way, using analogies figures and animations that, used in the classroom, can increase and much the learning potential of students in a subject as current as this. Students who are very curious to learn this subject, but come up against and discourage theoretical and mathematical formalisms.


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How to Cite

Teixeira, R. . (2019). Alternative approach to the teaching of electromagnetic waves transmission and reception. Physicae Organum, 5(2), 79–88. Retrieved from