Caminhos e descaminhos para a institucionalização das Políticas Públicas de Economia Solidária no Brasil
Solidary Economy; Institutionalization and Civil SocietyAbstract
This article is a contribution on the current situation of the Solidarity Economy in Brazil, focusing on the debate about the ways that permeated its institutionalization as well as the limits for achievement of its sustainability in the field of public policy in the recent period. Therefore, the text makes a resumption of progress made in recent years in the field of implementation of public policies for Solidarity Economy, highlighting the history and the strengthening of this issue on the government agenda, and the corresponding role of organized civil society in this process, expressed the resolutions of the Solidarity Economy Conference and strengthening the movement and the representative bodies that compose it. In this sense, the article discusses how and to what extent the Solidarity Economy has advanced in terms of institutionalization, giving a panoramic view at the instruments that demonstrate the progress and successful experiences in all political and obstacles to be faced by this policy in the present context. Finally, the text points out ways to continue and strengthen the solidarity economy policies as a development strategy, encouraging social control and financing mechanisms, increasing the ability to influence specifically in the decision-making process and the direction of public policies.
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