Ações integradas de economia solidária no município de Itajaí/SC
Relato de experiência
Technology incubators; The solidary economy; University extensionAbstract
The relationship teaching/research/extension can generate new knowledge resulting from the connection of scientific knowledge with those produced culturally by society. In this context, there are initiatives that seek to train academics and citizens able and mobilized to tackle the conditions imposed by society, where individualism and competition prevail. The article aims to make a reflection on technological incubators of Cooperatives Popular - 1.0’s as an opportunity to promote the articulation of teaching, research and extension courses, presenting the experience of Federal University of Fronteira Sul Campus Cerro Largo. Using the methodology of bibliographic and documental research, we sought to point out the experience of Incubator Tecnossocial of enterprises of the Solidary Economy - ITCEES, by means of the various activities carried out since its creation until the incubation process of two joint ventures. From the study it was established that the incubator of the Campus Cerro Largo provides the integration of different areas of knowledge, if characterizing as a venture which promotes the exchange of knowledge between the academic community, in addition to meet the demands of the regional community.
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