As políticas públicas e a economia solidária
A gestão social como ferramenta para a economia solidária
Gestão Social, Economia SolidáriaAbstract
This article proposes a reflection on public policy, social economy and social management having as main objective to analyze the social management as a management
tool for the Solidarity Economy in the State of Minas Gerais. He sought to know and understand the social management as a management tool for Solidarity Economy, highlighting the challenges the movement faces ES to seek direct actions for the improvement and effectiveness of public policy in the state. This fact provides, among other problems, difficulties in generating relations within the movement and government, to respect the diversity off the various social groups involved, investigating the popular mobilization for the construction off public policy within the democratic spaces. It became necessary to conceptualize democracy and how was your building process in the country, the construction off public policies and in particular the solidarity economy and finally the social management, including being the best management tool for public policy, from its formulation, monitoring, evaluation and implementation. It was used for the development off that article critical dialectical method anchored in social critical theory, making use off bibliographic and documentary research, such as books, magazines, newspapers, websites and scientific articles. The reflections sent here were instigated after Reading, studies and research on the subject.
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