Paulo Freire and teacher training: a state-of-the-art type of research
Paulo Freire e formação docente: uma pesquisa do tipo estado da arte
Paulo Freire y la formación docente: una investigación del tipo estado del arte
Mayara de Fátima Vasconcellos, Caroline Carmona Marques Gonçalves, Marilia Marques Mira
This study aims to relate the key Freirean concepts that underpin Research on teacher Education.
Freirean concepts highlight a teacher Education grounded in dialogicity and reflection on practice.
Freire’s ideas remain relevant and can provide support for new Research on teacher Education.
This article presents a state-of-the-art about teacher training and the concepts of Paulo Freire. It seeks to analyze how the research in the Education field uses those concepts. The study was based on articles published in the last ten years, selected from two databases. Results show, among other aspects, the main Freire concepts highlighted in the researched articles, as well as themes that have been little explored, evidencing the amplitude and the relevance to the present time of the author's work in research about teacher training.
Teacher training. Paulo Freire. Education.
Recebido: 03.10.2023
Aceito: 07.05.2023
Publicado: 08.01.2023
The field of study around teacher education has demonstrated two emerging categories in the literature: initial and continuing teacher education (Cunha, 2013). The former refers to the education obtained for the practice of the teaching profession, encompassing "institutional processes of training of a profession that generate the license for its exercise and its legal and public recognition" (Cunha, 2013, p. 61). As for the latter, it occurs throughout the teacher's professional career. This education process can be initiated by the teacher or provided by educational networks and institutions (Cunha, 2013).
In addition to these two categories, in André's (2009) integrative synthesis research of academic production by graduate students in the education field between 1999 and 2003, she identified two other growing themes in teacher education research: teacher identity and professionalization. A continuous dynamism, influenced by educators' life experiences and other various formative processes they have undergone, forms their identity (Santos et al., 2021). Such identity is continuously constructed and comprises multiple elements; thus, teaching and learning cannot be dissociated from this context. Romanowski (2007, p. 16, own translation) emphasizes that: "among the components of teacher identity is knowledge, which is the object of the relationship between teacher and student, constantly renewed and expanded." The constant pursuit of reflecting on their knowledge turns teacher professionalization into a process that spans a long historical trajectory, adapting to the time and place and forming a historically constructed image.
André's research (2009, p. 52, own translation) further reveals a "growing interest among researchers in the theme of teacher education, focusing on teachers' opinions, representations, knowledge, and practices." The interest in this theme, as demonstrated by the author's research, indicated an increase when comparing the 1990s to the 2000s.
Regarding the theoretical framework category, André (2009, p. 52, own translation) highlights that "the research frameworks privilege the socio-historical perspective, constructivism, theory of social representations, and authors who advocate reflection in action, experiential knowledge, critical thinking." In turn, in the category of most cited authors, Vygotsky, Paulo Freire, and Nóvoa appear in the top three positions, respectively, corroborating the perspectives that emerged regarding the theoretical framework (ANDRÉ, 2009). The discussion on critical thinking, socio-historical perspective, and reflection in action alludes to Freire's thinking.
Paulo Freire is one of the authors who stands out nationally and internationally in the educational field, whose significance was highlighted during the celebrations in September 2021 commemorating the centenary of his birth. According to Behrens et al. (2021, p. 111, own translation), these celebrations allowed us to "assert the relevance of the writings of this Brazilian educator, known on all five continents, which made him one of the most famous and respected educators worldwide." The authors emphasize that despite the researcher's passing, his ideas remain alive and are being disseminated worldwide.
Thus, one can perceive both the importance of studies on teacher education and the significance of Freire within the academic community. Therefore, this article presents a state-of-the-art study within the scope of reviews that map scientific production (Vosgerau & Romanowski, 2014). In this study, the focus of analysis is teacher education correlated with the concepts of Paulo Freire, intending to explicate how his ideas have been utilized in the selected research. As André (2009, p. 52, own translation) asserts, "Brazilian educational research, particularly investigations into teacher education, has greatly expanded with the information provided by mappings of scientific production."
Teacher Education
Many professions require improvement and renewal. There is a concern to reformulate this process in the Education field, which several authors have discussed continuously. According to Garcia (1999, p. 26, own translation), the field of teacher education:
[...] is the field of knowledge, research, and theoretical and practical proposals that, within the scope of Didactics and School Organization, studies the processes through which teachers individually or as a team engage in learning experiences through which they acquire or enhance their knowledge, skills, and dispositions [...].
Garcia (1999, p. 26, own translation) defines the object of teacher education as "the processes of initial or continuing education that enable teachers to acquire or enhance their knowledge, skills, and dispositions to carry out their teaching activities in order to improve the quality of education received by their students."
Based on this perspective, the objective would be teacher education oriented towards improving the educational process. In this sense, André (2018) argues that, generally, much attention has been given to the training process. However, it is necessary to remember why this process is essential, focusing on the objective of this education, which is the student's learning.
Regarding education, initial teacher education takes place in undergraduate programs in Pedagogy and various specific teaching programs, as indicated by the Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (in English, National Education Guidelines and Bases Law), Law No. 9,394/96, in articles 62 and 63 (Brasil, 1996). Within the context of national legislation, it is evident that teacher education policies are not a consensual topic. Recently, the approval of Resolution CNE/CP No. 2/2019 (Brasil, 2019), followed by Resolution CNE/CP No. 1/2020 (Brasil, 2020), established national curriculum guidelines for initial teacher education and continuing teacher education, respectively. It is noteworthy that these guidelines were approved as replacements for Resolution CNE/CP No. 2/2015 (Brasil, 2015), which presented an integrated proposal for initial and continuing education involving a formative project that articulated higher education institutions and primary education, implying a different conception of education and teaching (Dourado, 2015).
Nóvoa (1992) emphasizes the importance of teacher education in constructing a teacher's professionalism, highlighting that in many circumstances, the logic of educational practice does not align with the exercise of their education. Therefore, teacher education should be analyzed from a critical-reflective perspective, aiming for autonomous thinking that envisions dynamics of self-formation and evaluating the spaces in which they occur. "Education is not built through accumulation [...], but through a work of critical reflexivity on practice and the constant (re)construction of a personal identity" (Nóvoa, 1992, p. 13, own translation).
Based on this perspective, Freire (1996) supports teacher education, as the author clarifies that teaching is not the mere transfer of knowledge, and formation is not the act by which one subject molds another who is passive. The teacher learns while teaching, and what they learn, they teach in the act of learning. Regarding this matter, Nóvoa (1992) reaffirms the importance of peer exchange for the consolidation of a space of mutual education, in which the teacher is "called upon to play the role of educator and learner simultaneously" (Nóvoa, 1992, p. 14, own translation).
According to Nóvoa (2017, p. 1111, own translation), "Teacher education is a political problem, not just a technical or institutional one." Drawing on the ideas of Zeichner (2010, as cited in Nóvoa, 2017), the author advocates the need to rethink teacher education, which policies of deprofessionalization, privatization, and attacks on training institutions have undermined. From this perspective, Nóvoa (2017) emphasizes the importance of the connection between schools and universities in initial teacher education and continuing education. This new education space would have a hybrid nature, constituting "a place of dialogue that strengthens the presence of the university in the professional domain and the presence of the profession in the realm of education" (Nóvoa, 2017, p. 1116, own translation). According to the author, these educational spaces involve collaborative work among teachers, emphasizing dialogue, cooperation, and collaboration to enable "reflection, sharing, and analysis within 'communities of knowledge' organized by teachers" (Nóvoa, 2022, p. 11, own translation). In this sense, Nóvoa argues that new models of teacher education should be based on professional teacher knowledge, valuing the knowledge and practices constructed within the profession and moving beyond a conception of teachers as mere reproducers or implementers of externally defined knowledge in their practice.
When considering teacher education based on the ideas presented, the complexity of this process and the challenges to be overcome become evident. Nóvoa's proposed teacher education aligns with some of Freire's ideas, particularly regarding the advocacy for a process within the profession, collective reflection on practice, and the teacher as the subject of this action. Additionally, both authors emphasize the ethical and political dimensions of education and teacher education. In this regard, Freire (1991, p. 58, own translation) argues that "no one is born an educator or marked to be an educator. We become educators, we are continuously formed as educators through practice and reflection on practice."
Paulo Freire and Lifelong Education
One of Freire's (1979) assumptions is the concept of humans as beings in construction, as unfinished beings in constant learning and movement. Unlike other animals, humans are aware of their incompleteness and, as a result, constantly seek more knowledge. Therefore, learning is inherent to humanity and is also lifelong. From this perspective, education and lifelong education are not based on a formal process, nor do they respond to any institutional demands or have an ideological nature. Instead, they are inherent to human beings and their historical process of construction (Freire, 1997).
In this perspective, lifelong education goes beyond initial and continuing education, permeating this process as movements of historical and social construction for professors (Freire, 2022). Educators are shaped by their experiences, not only those that occur during their formal education but also those that arise from education as a social practice. Freire (2022, p. 25) asserts:
It would be truly unthinkable for such a being, 'programmed to learn,' unfinished but aware of its unfinishedness, therefore constantly seeking, questioning, curious about itself and the world, and with others; being historical, always concerned about the future, not to find itself, as a necessary condition for being inserted, naively or critically, in an incessant process of formation. A formation, an education precisely due to the social invention of conceptual language, goes much further than training among other animals.
According to Saul and Saul (2016), Freire's concept of lifelong education differs from continuing education. There is a greater emphasis on the action-reflection of teaching practice. In this action-reflection movement, teachers must reflect on their practice and discover ways to improve educational action. "That is why, in the lifelong education of teachers, the fundamental moment is a critical reflection on their practice" (Freire, 1996, p. 18, own translation).
In Paulo Freire's perspective, critical reflection begins with a naïve curiosity related to common sense, which then transforms into epistemological curiosity through the exercise of criticism and methodical rigor. This transformation occurs as teachers become more conscious about their practice. By recognizing their incompleteness, they seek knowledge and its determinants in an ongoing lifelong education process. Consequently, they act, reflect on their practice, and modify it, thus transforming their reality (Freire, 1996).
Saul and Saul (2016), in their research, highlight in their analysis of the collected theses and dissertations that lifelong education "[...] was understood as critical reflection on practice, which, when problematized, with the intention of understanding and comprehending its multiple determinants and relationships, also becomes the endpoint of formative action" (Saul & Saul, 2016, p. 31, own translation).
Beyond theory, Freire put lifelong education into practice in 1989 when he was invited by the newly elected mayor of São Paulo, Luiza Erundina, to assume the Municipal Secretary of Education position. The author emphasized that such a role was challenging and demanded responsibility. However, he saw the invitation as an opportunity to put into practice what he had been dreaming, thinking, and writing about (Freire, 1991).
During his tenure as Municipal Secretary of Education, Freire implemented a lifelong education process for teachers, proposing six guidelines focusing on the central role of pedagogical practice. From this perspective, education aims to provide teachers with tools to reflect on and continuously create and recreate their practice. Freire (1991) sees teacher education as a practice connected to the educational reality experienced, reflected upon, and integrated into the curriculum. Regarding Freire's proposal, Lima (2015, p. 52, own translation) asserts that “it involves a series of actions, not just mechanically reflecting on practice but engaging in critical and conscious reflection. This formation always starts with dialogue”.
Therefore, the formative process goes beyond a set number of hours to be completed to guide a teacher's action (Freire, 1991). On the contrary, it aims to awaken critical reflection so that teachers, as subjects of their practice, can reflect on their actions and transform them, thereby transforming the reality in which they are immersed in a continuous cycle of action-reflection-action.
Methodological journey
According to Romanowski and Ens (2006), state-of-the-art studies can indicate thematic areas of attention/concern for researchers, highlighting prioritized themes, subthemes, and contents in research and absent or silenced themes, or possible research gaps. The material that can constitute the corpus in these studies must be validated by committees, such as theses and dissertations, or published in reputable journals.
The research began locating articles in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) databases. The articles were gathered using the descriptors listed in Table 1 below.
Table 1
Descriptors used for the database search and number of articles found
Descriptors |
SciELO |
"Formação docente" e "Paulo Freire" "Teacher training" and "Paulo Freire" |
8 |
5 |
"Formação de professores" e "Paulo Freire" “Teacher education” and “Paulo Freire” |
15 |
35 |
"Formação permanente" e "Paulo Freire" "Continuing education" and "Paulo Freire" |
3 |
3 |
"Formação continuada" e "Paulo Freire" "Ongoing training" and "Paulo Freire" |
3 |
0 |
Total |
29 |
43 |
Source: the authors.
The inclusion criteria were as follows: research conducted within the last ten years focused on teacher education using concepts from Paulo Freire. Articles in both Portuguese and English were selected. The exclusion criteria involved articles that did not address teacher education or did not utilize Paulo Freire's concepts.
This study utilized the content analysis proposed by Bardin (2016) to explore the data. After gathering the articles based on the descriptors, we conducted a preliminary screening of the abstracts to identify articles that met the defined criteria and could be selected for analysis. It was observed during this process that more than just reading the abstracts would be required to identify the underlying assumptions of the research or the information regarding the methodological approach. Therefore, a more thorough reading of the articles was necessary, including the introduction, theoretical framework, methodology, and final considerations. Following this process, we selected 35 articles focused on teacher education grounded in Paulo Freire's theory, with eighteen articles from the SciELO and seventeen from the ERIC databases.
It is important to note that among the articles from the SciELO database, we excluded eleven from the data analysis. Six were duplicates, three did not meet the requirement of being within the last ten years, and two did not align with Freire's theoretical assumptions. Similarly, among the articles from the ERIC database, 26 were not included in the corpus. Twelve were duplicates, and fourteen did not address teacher education based on Paulo Freire's theory. The quantity of articles comprising the corpus, categorized by database and year of publication, is presented in Table 2.
Table 2
Year of publication of articles selected for data analysis
Year |
SciELO |
2021 |
3 |
1 |
2020 |
1 |
4 |
2019 |
2 |
2 |
2018 |
2 |
1 |
2016 |
6 |
1 |
2015 |
0 |
1 |
2014 |
1 |
3 |
2013 |
2 |
2 |
2012 |
1 |
2 |
Source: the authors.
Following the material selection phase, the search for recurring themes began by identifying which concepts of Freire were addressed by the researchers and, additionally, those concepts that were implicitly present through the construction of ideas in the articles. These recurrences were identified and categorized accordingly. Moreover, we examined how the research was organized in terms of procedures, data analysis methods, types of teacher education addressed, and, finally, which works by Freire were used as bibliographic references in these studies.
As mentioned before, to represent the research results and address the research question, we used Bardin's (2016) proposal for content analysis in analyzing the results, categorizing the concepts of Freire present in the academic productions related to the proposed theme. According to Vosgerau and Romanowski (2014, p. 172, own translation), "a state of knowledge does not only identify production but also analyses it, categorizes it, and reveals multiple approaches and perspectives." Therefore, in the next section, the results of this analysis will be presented.
Freire has been developing his concepts throughout several works. Regarding the author's ideas on teacher education, Saul and Saul (2016, p. 24, own translation) assert that he is "[...] a widely discussed topic by Paulo Freire from different perspectives." The analyzed articles show different concepts in the author's life and work.
Therefore, in this study, after a floating reading and coding, the following categories emerged: generative themes/student context; lifelong learning; dialogic; critical pedagogy; praxis; conscientization; transformation of reality; and liberating education. As the main concepts used to support the articles, Table 3 illustrates all of them through examples.
Table 3
Paulo Freire's theoretical concepts present in the analyzed research articles and their occurrence
Examples of Paulo Freire's theoretical concepts that support the research and their occurrence |
Concept |
Occurrences |
Example Citation |
Conscientization |
15 |
Freire described conscientização as 'a process of dialogue grounded in one's lived experiences, reflection on the social and political conditions that produce oppression and inequity, and taking action to break the reproductive cycle that maintains the status quo' (Da Mata et al., 2013, p. 333). |
Dialogicity |
9 |
In this analysis, the problem of research identified was supported by exploring the principles of dialogic learning based on Paulo Freire's studies with his dialogicity [...] (Mataruca, 2021, p. 1, own translation). |
Critical pedagogy |
9 |
Broadly, the developing perspective here is that based on critical pedagogy (CP), as presented and proposed by Paulo Freire and others, thus providing a theoretical basis for exploration (Stevens, 2010, p. 2). |
Transformation of reality |
6 |
In Freirean education, the themes are obtained through Thematic Investigation, which is a process that seeks to unveil and transform the existential situation of the oppressed people (Almeida & Gehlen, 2019, p. 3). The authors highlight the need to address in classes and teacher education the limitations of science for understanding and transforming reality [...] (Almeida & Gehlen, 2019, p. 5, own translation). |
Lifelong learning |
5 |
For Paulo Freire, lifelong learning presupposes that the educator and the learner understand themselves as unfinished beings, which is a human condition that compels people to curiously delve into the search for self-knowledge and knowledge of the world (Saul & Saul, 2016, p. 25, own translation). |
Liberating education |
5 |
A liberating education implies that both teachers and learners are “liberated” from deterministic practices, since they are in charge of their own changes, which can then transform and reshape their own worlds. (Narita, 2018, p. 75). |
Generative themes / student context |
4 |
[…] Freire’s perspective proposes a curricular configuration based on actual, generating themes capable of establishing other connections between the university and the community and an integrative relationship of disciplinary knowledge (Dalmolin & Garcia, 2021, p. 20). |
Praxis |
3 |
In this work, we will discuss the concept of praxis in the formation of Science teachers in the early years, as this is the founding concept of Freire's theory of teacher education (Souza & Chapani, 2013, p. 128, own translation). |
Source: the authors.
Based on the researched articles, the results are presented, considering each database separately from this section.
In the SciELO database, all the research articles are qualitative concerning the methodological approach. As recorded in Table 4, the most used research procedures are literature review, present in four articles (Santiago & Batista, 2016; among others); field research, also in four articles (Mataruca, 2021; among others); and Freirean thematic approach (Almeida & Gehlen, 2019; among others), in the same quantity.
Table 4
Research procedures used in the articles found in the SciELO database
SciELO database |
Research Procedures |
Total Number of Studies |
Freirean Thematic Approach (FTA) |
4 |
Field research |
4 |
Literature review |
4 |
Theoretical essay |
2 |
Case study |
3 |
Documentary Analysis |
1 |
Source: the authors.
When analyzing the articles from the ERIC database, the most representative research procedure was the theoretical essay (Mcgrew, 2020; among others), used in six articles, followed by a case study (Azevedo, 2019; among others), mentioned in two articles; literature review (Sato, 2014; among others) and action research (Narita, 2018; among others), also cited in two articles. In these cases, the research is also qualitative.
Table 5
Research Procedures used in the articles found in the ERIC database
ERIC database |
Research procedure |
Total number of studies |
Theoretical essay |
6 |
Case study |
2 |
Action research |
2 |
Literature review |
2 |
Ethnography |
1 |
Documentary analysis |
1 |
Ethnodrama |
1 |
Ethnography with autobiographical analysis |
1 |
Narrative inquiry |
1 |
Source: the authors.
Regarding data analysis, as shown in Table 6, the most representative method was textual discursive analysis by Moraes and Galiazzi (as cited in Dalmolin & Garcia, 2021; among others). In three articles, it was not possible to identify the approach used.
Table 6
Analysis methods used in the articles found in the SciELO database
SciELO database |
Analysis methods |
Total number of studies |
Textual discursive analysis |
4 |
Epistemology of Ludwik Fleck |
1 |
Discursive analysis (French school) |
1 |
Content analysis |
1 |
Do not found |
3 |
Source: the authors.
Regarding the ERIC database (Table 7), there was no predominant analysis method. Eleven out of twelve articles used different data analysis approaches; in one article, the approach used could not be determined.
Table 7
Analysis methods used in the articles found in the ERIC database
ERIC database |
Analysis methods |
Total number of studies |
Cross-case analysis (Stake) |
1 |
Content analysis using Kvale's System |
1 |
In-depth thematic analysis (Glesne) |
1 |
Inductive analysis (Glaser & Strauss) |
1 |
Constant comparison (Lincoln & Guba) |
1 |
Thematic analysis (Boyatzis) |
1 |
Grounded theory (Flick) |
1 |
Critical race theory (CRT) (Solorzano & D. Bernal) |
1 |
Theory of critical consciousness of Freire |
1 |
Open and thematic process |
1 |
Constructivist thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke) |
1 |
Did not found |
1 |
Source: the authors.
Table 8 shows that initial teacher education (Dalmolin & Garcia, 2021; among others) was addressed in most of the articles, followed by continuing education (Almeida & Gehlen, 2019; among others), which appeared in four articles. Only two articles addressed both initial and continuing education in the same research (Shor et al., 2016; among others), and in four articles, the authors did not specify a type of teacher education but mentioned lifelong learning as a process that occurs concurrently with the teacher's formative process, according to Paulo Freire's concepts (Lambach & Marques, 2014; among others).
Table 8
Types of teacher education addressed in the articles found in the SciELO database
SciELO database |
Type of Education Addressed |
Total number of studies |
Initial teacher education |
8 |
Continuing teacher education |
4 |
Unspecified teacher education |
4 |
Initial and continuing teacher education |
2 |
Source: the authors.
In the ERIC database, the most addressed type of education was initial teacher education (Mcgrew, 2020; among others), with eight studies. Continuing teacher education (Azevedo, 2019; among others) appeared in four studies, and both initial and continuing education (López et al., 2014) were mentioned in only one article. Lifelong learning did not appear in the ERIC database.
Table 9
Types of teacher education addressed in the articles found in the ERIC database
ERIC database |
Type of Education Addressed |
Total number of studies |
Initial teacher education |
13 |
Continuing teacher education |
3 |
Initial and continuing teacher education |
1 |
Source: the authors.
According to Table 10, which presents the works of Paulo Freire used in the research articles retrieved from the SciELO database, it is evident that the most referenced work was "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" (Dalmolin & Garcia, 2021; among others), present in almost all articles, cited in sixteen out of the eighteen articles analyzed. "Pedagogy of Autonomy" (Silva & Gehlen, 2016; among others) is the second, mentioned in twelve studies, and the third is "Fear and boldness: the teacher’s daily life" (Torres & Carril, 2021; among others), present in six articles. In total, nineteen works by Freire were found in the theoretical references of the SciELO articles.
Table 10
References to Paulo Freire's works found in the articles from the SciELO database
Freire's Bibliographic References |
Total number of studies |
Pedagogy of the Oppressed |
16 |
Pedagogy of Autonomy |
12 |
Fear and boldness: the teacher’s daily life |
6 |
Cultural Action for Freedom |
4 |
Pedagogy of the City |
3 |
In the shade of this hose |
3 |
Education, the Practice of Freedom |
3 |
Extension or communication? |
3 |
Pedagogy of Hope: Reliving Pedagogy of the Oppressed |
4 |
Politics and Education |
3 |
Learning to Question: A Pedagogy of Liberation |
3 |
Teachers as Cultural Workers: Letters to Those Who Dare Teach |
4 |
The Importance of the Act of Reading in three articles that complete each other |
2 |
Education, the possible dream |
2 |
About Education (Dialogues) |
2 |
Education and Change |
1 |
Pedagogy of Commitment: Latin America Popular Education |
1 |
Pedagogy of possible dreams |
1 |
Pedagogy of Indignation |
1 |
Source: the authors.
Table 11 highlights the works of Freire that appear in the theoretical references of the articles in the ERIC database. "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" (Mcgrew, 2020; among others) is also the most represented work, cited in sixteen articles. In total, thirteen works by Freire were referenced in the analyzed articles.
Table 11
References to Paulo Freire's works found in the articles from the ERIC database
Freire's Bibliographic References |
Total number of studies |
Pedagogy of the Oppressed |
16 |
Cultural Action for Freedom |
3 |
Conscientization |
3 |
Education for Critical Consciousness |
3 |
Education, the Practice of Freedom |
2 |
Pedagogy of Freedom: Ethics, Democracy and Civic Courage |
5 |
Politics and Education |
2 |
Cultural Action and Awareness |
1 |
Walking Paths: Conversations on Education and Social Change |
1 |
Education, Liberation and Church |
1 |
Pedagogy, Culture, Language and Race: A Dialogue |
1 |
Pedagogy of Hope: Reliving Pedagogy of the Oppressed |
1 |
A Pedagogy for Liberation: Dialogues on Transformative Education |
1 |
Source: the authors.
This study was conducted based on articles in the SciELO and ERIC databases regarding the theme of 'teacher training and Paulo Freire's concepts.' As a limiting factor for the study, article abstracts often need to include elements such as research type, analysis method, and the underlying conceptual framework used for the research. Therefore, a deeper reading was necessary to identify such information, especially the methodological approach and the conceptual frameworks used in the studies.
The Paulo Freire concepts that emerged from this study were: generative themes/learner's context; lifelong learning; dialogic; critical pedagogy; praxis; conscientization; transformation of reality; and liberating education. Regarding the concepts, it was possible to identify that in the SciELO database, the learners' context, generative themes emerging from these contexts, dialogic in the educational process, and the pursuit of praxis are the most prevalent. On the other hand, the ERIC database shows a strong presence of concepts related to critical pedagogy, liberating education, and conscientization, highlighting themes focused on the liberation of oppressed individuals through conscientization.
The 'lifelong learning' category, as Freire conceived, encompasses other themes that also emerge as categories in this research. According to Freire (1979; 1996), the premise of being unfinished is the lifelong learning ground, and as individuals become aware of this, they seek new knowledge to transform their reality. Teachers unveil new knowledge through the action-reflection-action of their pedagogical practice, combined with theoretical concepts. Through critical reflection, the professor moves from naive curiosity to a more critical curiosity, which transforms into epistemological curiosity, becoming a process of conscientization. Thus, the categories of 'praxis,' 'transformation of reality', and 'conscientization' are interconnected with lifelong learning.
It is worth noting that some articles directly address lifelong learning without entering the initial or continuing education field. So, they treat it as a process that has been historically and socially constituted before and during the teacher's pedagogical practice. As demonstrated in the writings of Lambach and Marques (2014, p. 86, own translation): "The concept of lifelong learning that we assume is based on the thinking of Paulo Freire, who understands it as a process that does not end after a lecture, a workshop, a meeting, or a course because it assumes the condition of human beings' inconclusiveness in the pursuit of becoming more."
However, in most articles from both databases, the authors focus on initial teacher training. In these articles, initial training is discussed from the perspective of emancipating the teacher so that upon entering schools, they can offer an equally emancipatory education that considers the learners' context and dialogic. In one of the articles, there is a narrative about the lack of articulation between what is learned at the university and pedagogical practice:
Not always concerned with the political nature of teaching, training courses often neglect discussions about the implications of the knowledge-power relationship, which hinders teacher emancipation. Such courses focus too much on instructional aspects, causing teacher trainees to neglect the political nature of teaching and education. (Souza & Chapani, 2013, p. 127, own translation)
In this regard, Nóvoa (2022, p. 1116, own translation) proposes that there should be a connection between these two spaces, the school, and the university, stating that "education should function alternately, with moments of strong theoretical inclination in disciplines and educational sciences, followed by work in schools during which new problems are raised to be studied through reflection and research." Thus, this process is aligned with the principles of lifelong learning, as without reflection on practice and the pursuit of praxis, little progress is made in teacher training to overcome a merely instructional character. Additionally, conscientization becomes a determining factor for teachers to promote critical and liberating education, as "critical teaching practice, implicating correct thinking, involves the dynamic, dialectical movement between doing and thinking about doing" (Freire, 2020, p. 38, own translation).
One factor that drew attention regarding the SciELO database is that most of the research focuses on teacher training in the field of natural sciences. Four articles use the Freirian thematic approach as a research procedure, systematized by Delizoicov (1991, as cited in Almeida & Gehlen, 2019, p. 5), a physics professor, in his doctoral thesis. The approach assumes that the learner is the subject of action, not an object, and is rooted in generative themes as a starting point for educational practice. Therefore, the concentration of research in this area may be due to the studies of this author, among other researchers who investigate the teaching process using Freirian concepts.
On the other hand, in the ERIC database, theoretical essays were the most representative type of research, which may indicate similarities between some of Freire's assumptions and this approach. According to Meneghetti (2011, p. 324, own translation), regarding theoretical essays, "the originality of the argumentation consists in consolidating the movement of dialectics, in which the rational act of argumentation is the driving force behind the understanding of reality." It highlights the connection between the author's statement and the concept of critical reflection on action in pursuing reality transformation.
Regarding the works of Paulo Freire used in the articles, “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” appears as the most cited, referenced in 33 out of the 35 selected articles, demonstrating the relevance of this work in the analyzed research. The concepts used in the articles, as in that work, reflects Freire's attacks on the banking education model in which the educator positions themselves as the sole possessor of knowledge and deposits their knowledge onto the learners. In contrast, the author advocates for liberating education that begins with problematization arising from the learners' context, conceiving it as a dialogical process in which educator and learner construct knowledge in a horizontal relationship, "both become subjects of the process in which they grow together, and arguments of authority no longer hold" (Freire, 2018, p. 96, own translation). Furthermore, Freire argues that it is through praxis that the historical and social subject produces and renews their knowledge, "hence, education is a permanent praxis" (Freire, 2018, p. 102, own translation). Thus, education is lifelong because the teacher is a historical and social being who produces knowledge through daily practice. In this ongoing process, while reflecting on their practice, they unveil the determinants of reality in search of its transformation.
This state-of-the-art research sought to identify recent developments in teacher education regarding its correlation with the concepts of Paulo Freire. The analyzed articles provided evidence of Freire's theory's importance in national and international publications. The most prevalent concept identified was conscientization, which underlies liberating education, linked to the critical examination of consciousness-world relations and human praxis (Freitas, 2010). Following that, dialogic and critical pedagogy were highlighted, emphasizing education as a dialectical, problem-posing process where critical thinking is encouraged, and pedagogy is always connected to practice.
The analyzed publications reveal that Freire's ideas have been sustaining the theme of teacher education, encompassing initial, continuing, and lifelong learning. Regarding initial teacher education, in a context of constant attacks and the devaluation of teacher training institutions, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of valuing teaching degrees, finding ways to attract students to the teaching profession, and advocating for a more organic and integrated approach to teacher education.
In research, Freire positions himself as a precursor advocating for lifelong learning, rooted in the understanding that humans are unfinished beings who, aware of this fact, seek new knowledge to transform reality. By engaging in action-reflection-action, teachers generate new knowledge, transforming naive curiosity into epistemological curiosity. In this sense, it becomes evident that teaching is not merely the reproduction or application of knowledge produced by others or the accumulation of knowledge. It is a form of self-formation through dialogue, sharing, reflection, and collaboration among peers, aligning with the ideas of Nóvoa (2022).
The results of this research were obtained through the analysis of articles published in two databases, and considering this limitation, we understand that the study can be further deepened and expanded. Given the complexity and breadth of Freire's theory, identifying gaps can be a challenge in identifying missing or underexplored themes in the analyzed research, especially because many themes are interconnected and can be addressed implicitly. However, it is daring to point out some themes that are considered fundamental: the ethical and political dimension of education (and teacher education), a theme emphasized by Freire in various works; the conception of teaching as a profession (embracing the role of professionals who fight for their rights and for the teaching profession itself); and finally, the importance of research in teacher education, considering its relationship with working and training conditions. It is argued that these themes can be explored in new research, connecting Freire's ideas—which remain relevant—with the everyday challenges of teacher education experienced in schools and other training institutions.
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Mayara de Fátima Vasconcellos
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Specialist in Educational Design from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (2020). Master’s student of Education at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná. Elementary school teacher at the Prefeitura Municipal de Colombo (Colombo, PR). Part of the Research group “Práxis Educativa: Dimensões e Processos – Educational Praxis: Dimensions and Processes”. Email:
Caroline Carmona Marques Gonçalves
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Specialist in Special Education with emphasis on Inclusion from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (2012). Master’s student of Education at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná. Elementary school teacher at the Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba (Curitiba-PR). Part of the Research group “Criatividade e Inovação Docente no Ensino Superior (CIDES) – Creativity and Teacher Innovation in Higher Education”. Email:
Marilia Marques Mira
Must University, Miami, Florida, United States of America
PhD in Education from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (2018). Supervisor of the master’s program in Emerging Technologies in Education – Must University (Florida, USA). Member of the Research group “Práxis Educativa: Dimensões e Processos – Educational Praxis: Dimensions and Processes”. Email:
Contribution to the text: author 1 – data collection and analysis, writing the text; author 2 – data collection and analysis, writing the text; author 3 – manuscript review and consolidation.
Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa do tipo estado da arte sobre formação docente e os conceitos de Paulo Freire, buscando analisar como esses conceitos vêm sendo utilizados nas pesquisas em educação voltadas à formação de professores. O estudo foi realizado com base em artigos publicados nos últimos dez anos, pesquisados em duas bases de dados. Os resultados apontam, entre outros aspectos, os principais conceitos de Freire evidenciados nesses artigos, bem como os temas que foram pouco explorados por essas pesquisas, mostrando a amplitude e a atualidade da obra do autor nas pesquisas sobre formação docente.
Palavras-chave: Formação de professores. Paulo Freire. Educação.
Este artículo presenta una investigación del tipo estado del arte sobre la formación docente y los conceptos de Paulo Freire. Buscando analizar cómo estos conceptos han sido utilizados en investigaciones en educación dirigidas a la formación docente. El estudio fue basado en los artículos publicados en los últimos diez años, investigados en dos bases de datos. Los resultados señalan, entre otros aspectos, los principales conceptos de Freire evidenciados en los artículos, así como temas que han sido poco explorados, mostrando la amplitud y actualidad de la obra del autor en las investigaciones sobre formación docente.
Palabras clave: Formación de profesores. Paulo Freire. Educación.
Linhas Críticas | Journal edited by the Faculty of Education at the University of Brasília, Brazil e-ISSN: 1981-0431 | ISSN: 1516-4896
Full reference (APA): Vasconcellos, M. F., Marques, C. C., & Mira, M. M. (2023). Paulo Freire and teacher training: a state-of-the-art type of research. Linhas Críticas, 29, e47518.
Full reference (ABNT): VASCONCELLOS, M. F.; MARQUES, C. C.; MIRA, M. M. Paulo Freire and teacher training: a state-of-the-art type of research. Linhas Críticas, 29, e47518, 2023. DOI:
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