The two versions of the Reconstructed Pano




Panoan Family, Proto Pano, Linguistic historiography


This paper presents a contrastive analysis of Shell’s works published in 1965 and 1975, considered by most Panoists as the main reference for this family studies and as if the second publication were a simple translation of the first. After presenting some biographical and contextual information about the two works, it is shown that most Panoan languages researcher have used Shell (1975) as their main reference. The differences between the two texts are analyzed, showing substantial changes in the fourth chapter of the author’s publications that focus on the reconstruction of the third syllable and the “transitive reference morpheme”. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of panoanist researchers paying more attention to important details of Shell’s thesis (1965) and considering the 1975 publication as a revision and expansion of the first publication, with substantial differences.


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How to Cite

Castro Soares de Oliveira, S. (2022). The two versions of the Reconstructed Pano. Revista Brasileira De Linguística Antropológica, 14(1), 423–460.


