Last Words of the Charrúa Medicine-Man, Sennaqueh: A New Hypothesis about their Interpretation


  • José Campione-Piccardo Universidade de Ottawa



Charrúa. Medicine-man. Sennaqueh


In the present submission a new hypothesis is suggested with respect to the interpretation that has been given to the last words of the Charrúa medicine-man Senaqué since his death in Paris on July 26, 1833. The version initiated by the intern Camus, which has lasted until now, is understandable from a Parisian or French point of view, but does not seem to echo Senaqué’s origins, his character, his language, his trajectory and his beliefs, and it could possibly be the result of an honest but erroneous interpretation based on the phonetic transcription into French (i.e., code-switching between the word as uttered and the word as heard and decoded) by the French-speaking persons who were present at his death, and who were the only ones to hear him say them.


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Author Biography

José Campione-Piccardo, Universidade de Ottawa

Médico, científico y académico uruguayo-canadiense, retirado de la Agencia de Salud Pública del Canadá (PHAC/ASPC) y la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS/OMS). Ottawa, Ontario K1B 4T9, Canadá.


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How to Cite

Campione-Piccardo, J. (2018). Last Words of the Charrúa Medicine-Man, Sennaqueh: A New Hypothesis about their Interpretation. Revista Brasileira De Linguística Antropológica, 10(2), 281–285.


