Negation in Krahô (Jê family) in a comparative perspective


  • Maxwell Miranda Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso



Negation. Morphosyntax. Krahô language. Ge language family.


This article deals with the expression of negation in various syntactic contexts of the Krahô language, compared to the expression of negation in other languages of the Jê family belonging to the three branches (Northern - Apinajé, Xikrin Kíƒsêdjê (Suya) and Panará; Central - Xerente e Xavante; Southern - Laklanõ (Xokléng) and Kaingang). The data reveal the existence of a relative variability as to the forms and syntactic contexts in which the
negation is expressed in Krahô whose forms have structural and functional similarities to other languages. 


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Author Biography

Maxwell Miranda, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

 UFMT, Campus Universitário de Barra do Garças.


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How to Cite

Miranda, M. (2018). Negation in Krahô (Jê family) in a comparative perspective. Revista Brasileira De Linguística Antropológica, 7(2), 245–274.


