Modernity and Eurocentric Hallucinations according to Enrique Dussel and Achille Mbembe
eurocentrism, black, white, race, modernityAbstract
This essay intends to explore reflections according to the ideas of Enrique Dussel and Achille Mbembe on the categories of modernity-coloniality, black-white to elucidate mutually how each author intends to criticize the hegemonic narrative of the European superiority/modernity. From the reflections of Enrique Dussel, we emphasize the Myth of Modernity as an ideological resource to make Europe the cultural center of the globe. The Modernity aim is to try to make its regionality universal. Based on the thoughts of Achille Mbembe, we present his criticisms of the principle of race, Eurocentric hallucination which ideologically seeks to define social roles between colonizer and colonist, between black and white.
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MBEMBE, Achille. Crítica da Razão Negra. Lisboa: Antígona, 2014.
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