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  • Revista Archai
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  • Revista Ética na Pesquisa em Ciências Humanas e Sociais
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  • Papers of Language and Society
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  • Anuário Antropológico
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  • Caderno de Squibs: Temas em estudos formais da linguagem
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  • caleidoscópio: literatura e tradução
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  • Ciência & Tecnologia Social
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  • Belas Infiéis
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  • Cenário: Revista Interdisciplinar em Turismo e Território
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  • Arquivos do CMD
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  • Dor on line
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  • Direito.UnB - Law Journal of the University of Brasília
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  • Das Questões
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  • Ecolinguística: Revista brasileira de ecologia e linguagem (ECO-REBEL)
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  • Dramaturgies
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  • e-Boletim da Física
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  • InSURgência: revista de direitos e movimentos sociais [InSURgence: rights and social movements journal]
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  • Estudos de Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea
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  • Em Tempo de Histórias
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  • History, histories
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  • Interethnic@ - Interethnic Relations Studies Journal
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  • Journal of Law and Regulation
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  • Linhas Críticas
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  • Meridiano 47 - Journal of Global Studies
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  • Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade
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  • Paranoá
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  • PatryTer
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  • Participação
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  • Eletronic Journal Geobaobas
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  • Physicae Organum
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  • Périplos: Revista de Estudos sobre Migrações
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  • Pós - Revista Brasiliense de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais
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  • PÓLEMOS – Revista de Estudantes de Filosofia da Universidade de Brasília
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  • Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa
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  • Revista Água Viva
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  • Revista Brasileira de Bioética
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  • Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia (Brazilian Journal of Agroecology)
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  • Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion
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  • Revista Brasileira de Ciência Política
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  • Revista Brasileira de Linguística Antropológica
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  • Revista Calundu
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  • Law, State and Telecommunications Review
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  • Revista de Design, Tecnologia e Sociedade
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  • Space and Geography Journal
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  • Journal of Resarch Studies on the Americas
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  • Revista Cerrados
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  • Revista de Biblioteconomia de Brasília
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  • Journal of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy
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  • Revista do CEAM
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  • Revista Desempenho
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  • Revista dos Estudantes de Direito da Universidade de Brasília
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  • Revista dos Estudantes de Públicas - REP
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  • Revista Estética e Semiótica- RES, Aesthetics and Semiotics Magazine
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  • Journal of the Physics Teacher
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  • Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciência da Informação
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  • Revista Horizontes de Linguistica Aplicada
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  • Revista em Gestão, Inovação e Sustentabilidade
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  • Revista Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em Engenharia
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  • Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia e Educação (RESAFE)
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  • Revista Textos Graduados
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  • Latin American Journal of Criminology
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  • RP3 - Revista de Pesquisa em Políticas Públicas
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  • SER Social
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  • Sustainability in Debate
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  • Revista VIS: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais
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  • Sociedade e Estado
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  • Discursos Contemporâneos em Estudo
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  • Voz e Cena (Voice and Scene)
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  • Abya-Yala: Journal on Access to Justice and Rights in the Americas
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  • Discurso em Cena
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  • Espectro da Crítica
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  • Mundo do Trabalho Contemporâneo
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  • Música em Contexto
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  • METAgraphias
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  • Noctua
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  • Revista Eletrônica: Tempo - Técnica - Território / Eletronic Magazine: Time - Technique - Territory
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  • Revista Negativo
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  • Revista Letra Capital
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  • Revista Perspectivas do Desenvolvimento
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  • Revista XIX
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  • Savannah Journal of Research and Development
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  • Temporal - prática e pensamento contemporâneos
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  • PHAINE: Revista de Estudos sobre Antiguidade
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  • T.E.X.T.O.S DE H.I.S.T.Ó.R.I.A. Revista do Programa de Pós-graduação em História da UnB.
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  • Traduzires
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  • Revista Modelo da UnB
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