To chronicle the intimate: autobographical inflections and confidant reader in Clarice Lispector’s chronicles




personal chronicle, self-narratives, literary genre, spectacular intimacy, Clarice Lispector


Clarice Lispector’s chronicles, collected under the title Discovering the World, and published in the Jornal do Brasil between 1967 and 1973, emerge as texts which, because of their topics and writing resources, vary from chronicles to self-narratives, shaping an enunciation that looks upon the author’s own writing, in order to question the genre issue. In this paper, I will consider Lispector’s chronicles on the basis of both “personal chronicle” -in which could be included the unique incursions of the author in the genre tradition- and “spectacular intimacy” categories, where the latter suggests the relationship between Lispector’s chronicles and her readers.



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How to Cite

Gutiérrez, M. V. . (2019). To chronicle the intimate: autobographical inflections and confidant reader in Clarice Lispector’s chronicles. Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (58), 1–8.