Banzeiro òkótó: a call for decolonial reforestation of subjectivities




banzeiro; òkótó; ancestral future; Amazon; forest; subjectivity.


The article examines the work Banzeiro òkòtó: uma viagem à Amazônia centro do mundo, by Eliane Brum (2021), based on the ideas of ancestral future from Indigenous thinker Ailton Krenak, the contemporary dispute over the memory of the past and colonial heritage. It also discusses subjectivity and the deconstruction of the Cartesian conception of body and mind as separate and hierarchically established institutions. From these points, the work seeks to understand the idea of "amazonizing oneself" proposed by the author and the implications of this shift in subjective conception within a project of decolonization and closer connection with the forest peoples.


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How to Cite

Frederico, G. (2024). Banzeiro òkótó: a call for decolonial reforestation of subjectivities. Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (74).

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