Allegories of the end of the world: past and future of catastrophe in A morte e o meteoro, by Joca Reiners Terron
contemporary literature; temporality; 21st century; Joca Reiners Terron; Brazilian literatureAbstract
In this essay I analyze the novel A morte e o meteoro, published in 2019 by Joca Reiners Terron. I organized the text into three complementary parts, by which I invite the reader to accompany my arguments. In the first part, I present the writer in his place of enunciation and discuss the narrative strategies used in his book. In a second part, I relate the novel to the moment in which it was produced and the temporalities that emerge from the narrative. And, finally, I discuss Terron's ideological orientations in order to evidence his writing as a form of sociopolitical action.
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