Gingando in the writing of afro-Brazilian literature



literature; capoeira; performance; literaginga


This article undertakes an analysis of the short story “Chão” by Allan da Rosa (2016), exploring language as a discursive arena that reflects the complexity of the author’s literary craft. The concept of literaginga is introduced as an instance of movement, aesthetics, and writing, offering a shift in perspective on the understanding of the work. In the story, the author constructs his narrative as a game of capoeira, intertwining orality and literary performance. The methodology employed involves applying the characteristics of literaginga, namely semantic configuration in orality, embodied and aesthetic movements, mandinga, and cadence. Emphasis is placed on the presence of orality in the text, manifested through colloquialisms and verbal choices that evoke the characteristic cadence of capoeira. The analysis highlights the cadence of the text, evidenced by verbal rhythm, capoeira songs, and contrasting constructions that breathe life into the narrative. The short story reveals a unique aesthetic approach rooted in Afro-Brazilian culture and peripheral experience. The central objective of the study was to analyze a short story from the selected work Reza de Mãe (2016), emphasizing the performative essence in the author’s literary weaving, bridging ancestral knowledge with his texts. Additionally, the study sought to validate the effectiveness of the proposed analytical category, literaginga, to enhance performance studies intersecting with literature, drawing from the field of performance studies.



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How to Cite

Oliveira, K. M. de. (2024). Gingando in the writing of afro-Brazilian literature. Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (72). Retrieved from