From the mountain range to the river: non-human characters in O manto da noite and Banzeiro Òkòtó


  • Tatiana Salem Levy Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal



non-human characters; permatext; carrier bag theory; Carola Saavedra; Eliane Brum.


This article analyzes the elaboration of non-human characters in the novel O manto da noite, by Carola Saavedra, and in the nonfiction narrative Banzeiro Òkòtó, by Eliane Brum. Based on the idea raised by Carola Saavedra in her book O mundo desdobrável: ensaios para depois do fim, that there are still many stories to be told, we analyze how these two books constitute what Carola calls “permatext” and what Ursula K. le Guin calls “the carrier bag theory of fiction.” In other words, we intend to show that, by leaving a certain model of language and narrative, and inaugurating a more expanded, feminine, interspecies dialogue, literature renews itself and establishes a dialogue with voices that have been constantly silenced over the centuries.



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How to Cite

Salem Levy, T. (2024). From the mountain range to the river: non-human characters in O manto da noite and Banzeiro Òkòtó. Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (72).