Moved like the devil: Juliana Sankofa’s )un(publishable poetry




signifying, afro Brazilian poetry, Sankofa


This article introduces a reading of the poetry of the Afro-Brazilian author Juliana Sankofa (2019), whose works do not have access to privileged circles of the mainstream publishers. Focusing on her self-published e-book Comovida como o diabo and applying the concept of “Signifying” developed by Henry Louis Gates Jr. based on Afro-American vernacular practices as the main analytical tool, I demonstrate how such poetry not only dialogues with the issue and situation of Afro-descendants within society and the Brazilian literary canon but also presents specific connections with poetic production in the African diaspora.


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How to Cite

Dutra, P. (2023). Moved like the devil: Juliana Sankofa’s )un(publishable poetry. Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (70), 1–9.