Carola Saavedra and the art of riddles: on literature’s power and impotence



Carola Saavedra; essay; contemporary literature; Brazilian literature


This work brings the review of the book O mundo desdobrável: ensaios para depois do fim, by the Brazilian writer Carola Saavedra. It attempts to show how Saavedra’s essays unfold the question “What can literature do?”. We also comment what we call the “theoretical incoherence” of the book, indicating, in the end, the possibilities Saavedra glimpses for the literature in the coming years.



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How to Cite

Sitta, G. D. B., & Pinezi, G. V. R. (2023). Carola Saavedra and the art of riddles: on literature’s power and impotence. Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (68). Retrieved from