The book as an Art Form: Julio Plaza's Contribution to the Production and Theorization of the Artist's Book in Brazil




self-publishing, Julio Plaza, artist's book, independent edition


This article seeks to gather and analyze the contribution of Julio Plaza in the construction of two important questions for the understanding of editorial production: the notion of “independent” focused on the production and circulation of books and the theoretical and conceptual field of the artist's book, seen as product of a certain independent creation practice. Therefore, we investigated Plaza’s theoretical production focused on this theme, published in magazines and newspapers in the 1980s, as well as the critical literature that investigates the Brazilian publishing field today. It was also relevant to approach the concepts of the artist's book in an attempt to understand how the term has been drawn in its theoretical lines. It was noted that the artist's books proved to be products linked to independent modes of production, being, generally, fruits of avant-garde art and poetry, where Plaza was inserted. In this way, it was understood, in this historical rescue of the artist and theorist's performance in the Brazilian publishing field, that self-publishing and self-editing was - and continues to be - a way to “pierce” the bubble of so-called “system editing”.


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How to Cite

Mattar, M. R. . (2021). The book as an Art Form: Julio Plaza’s Contribution to the Production and Theorization of the Artist’s Book in Brazil . Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (62), 1–11.