On Lesbian Literature and the Occupation of Spaces





lesbian literature, power relations, spaces


This essay aims to outline a reflection on the idea of ”‹”‹lesbian literature, connected to the concept of lesbian geographies (BROWNE et FERREIRA, 2015). Therefore, the ideas of plural lesbian identities will be discussed in perspectives that consider performances of gender, intersectionality and decoloniality. Space is fundamental to the perspective that this discussion intends to take, as it is in space that identity, social and gender relations take place, come into conflict and expose their dispositions towards domination and their incompleteness. The occupation of spaces, whether geographical, epistemic, theoretical or literary, by these lesbian existences, makes possible that new ethical and aesthetic proposals come into play. Considering lesbian ”“ and later lesbian ”“ as an adjective, we wish to reveal what new critical readings can be undertaken in the literary field.


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How to Cite

Natalia Borges Polesso. (2020). On Lesbian Literature and the Occupation of Spaces. Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (61), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1590/2316-4018611