Resistance by Julián Fuks: A Filiation Narrative


  • Eurídice Figueiredo Universidade Federal Fluminense



literature and dictatorship, filiation narrative, post-fiction, post-memory


In this article I will explore Dominique Viart’s concept of filiation narrative to analyze how Julián Fuks constructs his relationship with his parents and siblings, and how the migrations of his ancestors forged the family that ended up in São Paulo during Argentina’s most recent military dictatorship. This novel of the post-fiction era seems to pay witness to our times, a witness to the horrors experienced by so many human beings who lost their lives in the dungeons of the torture centers or the extermination camps during the Second World. This literature of resistance is characterized by a lack of linearity, by the tension between the real and the fictional, by investigation, by the resort to hypotheses, whether plausible or implausible, and a concern with social issues. This “writing of restitution,” to use Viart’s words, casts doubt on its own investigations and is wary of discourses and concepts, rejects ready-made ideas and well-established truths. The enunciative posture is made explicit and the reader knows who is speaking and where the narrator is speaking from.


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How to Cite

Figueiredo, E. . (2020). Resistance by Julián Fuks: A Filiation Narrative. Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (60), 1–8.