Spirograph traces: the banal daily life and social intransitivity in Rubens Figueiredo’s “De forno a forno”





“De forno a fornol”, spherical images, social intransitivity, Rubens Figueiredo


This article aims to observe some aspects of the use of spherical images in the tale “De Forno a Forno”, by Rubens Figueiredo. The proposition is to check the way these images contribute for the presentation and the reiteration of banality and social intransitivity in poor population’s common life, exposed in Figueiredo’s work, considering the circle as a symbol of something immutable, with no beginning nether end, and with no variations. We consider that the use and the articulation of spherical images in the tale, as well as the structure used by Figueiredo in the construction of the narrative, propose the siege and maintenance of the social classes exposed, consequently a kind of impediment for the transposition through these classes, even socially or of thinking.



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How to Cite

Gomes, A. R. . (2019). Spirograph traces: the banal daily life and social intransitivity in Rubens Figueiredo’s “De forno a forno”. Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (58), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1590/2316-40185816