Ismar Tirelli Neto and the paths of instinction




contemporary poetry, Brazilian poetry, Ismar Tirelli Neto


This article seeks to read the poetry of the Brazilian writer Ismar Tirelli Neto in his restless movements of return, ambulation and deviation, that end up undermining the very notion of place (of memory, of poetry, of images) and of language’s possession of place. In this case, the intention is to analyze how his voice seeks to find himself adrift, becoming unrecognizable amid the countless references to cities, neighborhoods, cinemas, authors, many of them unnoticed, minor or missing. Thus, we try to show how a certain Brazilian poetry, in dialogue with an entire Latin American tradition, experiences disorientation, mobilizing out-of-place concepts, and contributing to the relations between literature and politics.


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How to Cite

Anglada, C. . (2019). Ismar Tirelli Neto and the paths of instinction. Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (58), 1–13.