The apocalyptic conflict in Assunção de Salviano, by Antonio Callado




literature, imaginary, Christianity, communism


What is the role of art in the formation of the imaginary? An unquestionable certainty is the fact that through art one can glimpse new images, potentially instituting the renewal of unconscious archetypes. Following a detailed description of the later chapters of Assunção de Salviano, by Antonio Callado, the main purpose of this investigation is to show how literary art institutes and renews images of the sacred, especially archetypes of Christ and Antichrist. Based on the hermeneutic of Gilbert Durand's imaginary, the correlation between the alchemical world of symbols and the experiences and knowledge of the psychology of the unconscious of Carl Gustav Jung, as well as Gaston Bachelard’s dream-creativity, this study analyses the development of Salviano’s character after his Christian religious conversion and his “great conflict” with the leader of the Communist Party. Thus, the effect of literary art in the fabrication of new images of unconscious archetypes, manifested in the clash between the communist imaginary and the imaginary of the Christian doctrine of a lost paradise, is consequently revealed.


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How to Cite

Karlo-Gomes, G. (2019). The apocalyptic conflict in Assunção de Salviano, by Antonio Callado. Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (57), 1–11.