A body of reading





reader, body, performance, Elvira Vigna


Como se estivéssemos em palimpsesto de putas, Elvira Vigna’s last book, tells the story of João, the IT associate of a publisher about to declare bankruptcy, whose only pleasure is having sex with prostitutes. The reader has access to the story through the narrator, a jobless designer who visits João at work every day. In a narrative composed of fragments, the author fosters a discussion about literature itself, placing the designer as both a reader and writer. She tells us the stories she hears from João, informing us that she fills in the gaps left by him for lack of detail. This article intends to reflect on the figure of the reader in Vigna’s book, a reader who compromises her whole body in reading and, in so doing, performs the reading.


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How to Cite

Duarte Mota, L. (2019). A body of reading. Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (57), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1590/2316-40185715