Marília Garcia:

where do the poem's propellers lead us?




In 2017, the Brazilian poet Marília García published Câmara lenta, a book in which we find a remarkable dialogue with her recent aesthetic experiments and the formal resolution of each poem. The theme of means of transportation, a link with other poetics of modernity, gains here a particular treatment and aligns with other contemporary questions. The propellers, turbines, flights, and aircraft that frequently appear in her verses share space with a lyrical subject at the threshold of disintegration, but who insists on the poem as a way to echo the unique and anchored experience in the time that constitutes human life.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. C. da. (2018). Marília Garcia:: where do the poem’s propellers lead us?. Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (55), 309–323.