The representation of deceit in literature:

living and experiences of deaf and family of deaf




The present study had as main objective to analyze how the representations about deafness in the literature produced by deaf subjects and relatives of the deaf were constructed, reworked and rewritten. In addition, to identify markers, socio-historical and ideological in the discursive productions of both literatures. For this, we used the analysis of literary productions that deal with deafness, such as the Crônicas da surdez, of Paula Pfeifer (2013), and A sonoridade da surdez, of Kátia Maria de Oliveira Franco (2013), the study highlights the relevance about to understand these representations in the literature. Paula Pfeifer (2013) is oralized deaf and experiences her deafness in an oralistic context, unlike Kátia Franco (2013) who for her discursive production parts of her experiences with her daughter who is born with profound deafness and uses the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) as a form of communication. The authors talk about deafness from their own experiences and particular stories with deafness. This analysis consisted of an explicative empirical research, whose sample was composed of two editorial productions, Brazilian literature books dealing with experiences with deafness. The qualitative methodology used by this study was the documentary analysis, in light of the critical discourse analysis. This analysis allowed us to understand the representations of deafness mentioned in the works, as well as the identification of cultural markers in the analyzed works. It was concluded that this study made possible a deeper understanding about the experiences with deafness and elucidated discourses that bring up issues that are in keeping with the needs and struggles of deaf communities.



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How to Cite

Costa, B. S. L., & Ribeiro, S. S. (2018). The representation of deceit in literature:: living and experiences of deaf and family of deaf. Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (54), 101–121.