Leilah Assumpção, the wall and the neutral day


  • Fernanda Ribeiro Queiroz de Oliveira Instituto Federal de Brasília (IFB)




Letras, Literatura, Teatro


Leilah Assumpção’s plays have not received neither the critical nor the editorial attention they merit, this lack of attention is the result of an environment dominated by misogyny and by power structures that construe dramaturgy and writing as typically male activities. Being part of a new dramaturgy, which flourished in the seventies, the playwright draws a path where relationships emerge as the search for women’s visibility, the visibility of their personal, sexual and professional desires and, therefore, the questioning of traditional male roles. This article analyses Assumpção’s work, showing how through an ironic and unexpectedly humorous depiction of highly conflicted situations she presents the subject’s journey towards their selves and their places in the world. 


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How to Cite

Oliveira, F. R. Q. de. (2017). Leilah Assumpção, the wall and the neutral day. Estudos De Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, (52), 218–245. https://doi.org/10.1590/2316-40185211



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