Alwin Frank Fill


  • Os Organizadores Universidade de Brasília


Alwin Frank Fill is Professor Emeritus of English at Graz University (Austria). He studied English and Latin at the University of Innsbruck and undertook further studies at Queen's College (University of Oxford, UK) and at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, USA). His main research interests are ecolinguistics, language and suspense, the impact of language and linguistics for kids. He has published books on all these topics, most recently The language impact: evolution, system, discourse (2010) and Kinder- und Jugendlinguistik (2014). His books on ecolinguistics include The ecolinguistics reader (ed. with P. Mühlhäusler, 2001) and Sustaining language: Essays in Applied Ecolinguistics (ed. with Hermine Penz, 2007). Einar Haugen is justly considered the "father" of ecolinguistics, but he who kicked off its spread all over the world was Alwin Fill. In regard to Brazilian Ecolinguistics, he sent some Introductory Words to be read at the I EBE (1st Brazilian Meeting on Ecolinguistics, University of Brasília, 2012), which were published with a selection of teh papers presented in Cadernos de linguagem e sociedade v. 13, n. 1, 2013, available in paper and at


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Biografía del autor/a

Os Organizadores, Universidade de Brasília

Doctor en Lingüística por la Universidad de Brasilia. Maestro en Letras y Lingüística por la Universidad Federal de Goiás (UFG), posee graduación en Letras por la misma institución. Integra el Núcleo de Estudios en Ecolingística e Imaginario (NELIM).



Cómo citar

Organizadores, O. (2018). Alwin Frank Fill. Ecolinguística: Revista Brasileira De Ecologia E Linguagem (ECO-REBEL), 4(2), 108–113. Recuperado a partir de



Entrevista com ecolinguistas